Profil von Erika B Haley

Through a New Lens: Nourishing the Soul

Through a New Lens: Nourishing the Soul
Photography, 2023.


Through a New Lens: Nourishing the Soul, is an ongoing series where I delve into the world of black and white produce photography. The initial spark for this exploration came from the work of contemporary photographer and architect Anna Agoston, whose ability to capture the essence of nature with an abstract approach left a lasting impression.

Influenced by modern artists like Georgia O'Keeffe, who also masterfully highlighted tight perspectives and simplified forms, I embarked on a journey to capture produce, panning in on the subject matter like that of my predecessors. Experimenting with principles and elements such as form, light, balance, and space, I ventured into creating visually intriguing imagery without a predetermined outcome, relying on my knowledge, skills, and intuition.

As my passion for the project deepened over time, I found myself immersed in hours of photographing produce. This extended engagement prompted a profound introspection into my relationship with food and the societal perceptions surrounding diet. Like many, I realized that thoughts about food often triggered feelings of shame and guilt rooted in self-judgment or external critiques. This contemplation led me to question the origin of these emotions, considering the fundamental role of food in sustaining and nourishing our bodies, fueling us to live. 

While my project hasn't entirely alleviated my food insecurities, the newfound perspective of my lens has been transformative. It has enabled me to discover beauty in what used to evoke anxiety and panic. I've granted myself the space to appreciate the nourishment and sustenance that produce provides while also celebrating the aesthetic value found in the diverse forms of the natural world.

This collection of work aims to motivate viewers to explore their relationship with food. By contemplating the images presented, I hope individuals reconsider the instinctive shame often associated with consuming calories, fostering a more compassionate and enlightened perspective on nourishing oneself.

Through a New Lens: Nourishing the Soul


Through a New Lens: Nourishing the Soul
