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"I asked for 6 billion won in FA."

"I asked for 6 billion won in FA." Rumors are spreading that pitcher FA is the biggest word. Still, he didn't forget his original team and even posted a "big bow" to his fans

It was a "surprise appearance." He visited the festival en masse with fans of his original team, while negotiating with the free agent team. He also expressed his gratitude by posting a big bow. The hero was Lim Chan-kyu, a starting pitcher of the LG Twins, who is considered the biggest fish among free agent pitchers this winter.
Lim Chan-kyu appeared briefly at the 2023 Love Giving Festerville with Championship event held at Kyung Hee University's Peace Hall in Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul on the 2nd and quietly left. There was a reason. Currently, Lim Chan-kyu is an FA, not a member of the LG Twins.
Still, Lim Chan-gyu attended the festival with his fans only because of the fans. "Hello, I'm Lim Chan-gyu," Lim said after coming on stage before the official event began. "I really wanted to go because I heard that Love Giving Day would be held, but FA players won't attend. But that's not the way our fans, me and the LG Twins are." The audience burst into applause. 안전놀이터
"I came because I really wanted to say hello. I wanted to meet my fans soon." Many people said they wanted to see me through social networking services, so I made up my mind to come. I think my relationship with my fans is special. I won this season thanks to fans' support, and I thought it would be better to come and greet them in person. This festival is for fans. I hope you enjoy it until the end. I leave early, but I hope you think that my heart is with me until the end." Lim Chan-kyu then bowed to his fans and left the stage with a short and bold word, "I love you."
Lim's visit was such a surprise that even club officials knew about it on the day. Meeting with reporters outside after greeting his fans, Lim said, "I was able to win the title thanks to fans' enthusiasm and great support throughout the year. That's why I wanted to meet and greet fans in person. I just wanted to say hello to people I wanted to meet." When asked about the reason for the big bow, he said, "All of a sudden, I wanted to say hello to them. That was all I wanted to say. There is no meaning about the long time, but I expressed my gratitude to them for their good support this year."
Lim has important FA negotiations left. Lim, who chose to return to the FA again last year, displayed his best performance this season. This season, he garnered 14 wins, three losses and an earned run average of 3.42, becoming the most winning pitcher in the Korean league. He ranks second in overall win percentage, third in multiple wins, and ninth in earned run average in the entire KBO league. This is why he is considered one of the biggest fish among FA pitchers this winter.
On FA negotiations, Lim said, "I met with Cha Myung-seok two days ago (November 30), and I plan to continue to meet him. As far as I know, there were a lot of controversies before that. It's only been two days now. Since we met for the first time, I plan to talk to him well from now on." Lim's agent, Lee Yerang, departed for the U.S. on Tuesday to attend the Winter Meetings. "Negotiations can be conducted through video, and I understand that his visit to the U.S. is not very long. I will exercise individually and build up my body," Lim said.
However, even though the FA negotiations did not start yet, rumors such as "Im Chan-kyu asked for 6 billion won" spread widely. Lim Chan-kyu has been criticized for false rumors whose source is unclear. In response, Lim Chan-kyu said, "I've never met him before. Also, knowing the facts (about the negotiation process), I was curious where such a thing would come from. However, I think I just enjoyed it because I knew that the facts were unfounded, such as myself, the agent, and the club."
Lim Chan-gyu was asked to appear in many interviews along with the victory. "It's not that I went out because I was good, but I think a lot of people came to see me because the team won and I was with LG for a long time. I think I represented the team because there were more interviews about the team than personal," he said humbly.
Earlier, Lim Chan-kyu told Korea Series Media Day, "I wanted to have a Rolex watch, but if I win the MVP, I will give it to Ji-hwan." Oh said, "If I win the Korean Series, I will buy you a Rolex." But he didn't get it. Ji-hwan told me to buy it (as a free agent). He told his sister-in-law that he didn't ask for his opinion. I think I would have tried to stop Ji-hwan if I were his brother-in-law's sister-in-law. I have a family."
"I asked for 6 billion won in FA."

"I asked for 6 billion won in FA."

