Cycle Unbound: A Visual Exploration of Addiction in the 'Trainspotting' Conceptual Movie Poster
Project Case Study: "Cycle Unbound" Trainspotting Conceptual Movie Poster
Drawing inspiration from the film's theme of heroin addiction as a perpetual cycle, I crafted a visually striking poster. The centerpiece featured a perpetual motion device with four balls in constant motion, symbolizing the main characters and their intertwined struggles with addiction.

The project garnered positive feedback for its innovative approach to visual storytelling. It sparked discussions on addiction, the human experience, and the role of design in conveying meaningful narratives.

The "Cycle Unbound" poster successfully achieved its objective of creating a visually compelling piece that goes beyond surface aesthetics. It encourages viewers to contemplate the complexities of addiction, using design as a medium for storytelling and social reflection.
Cycle Unbound


Cycle Unbound
