Mamun Rahman さんのプロファイル

WeChat updates version 8.0.46 for internal testing!

WeChat updates version 8.0.46 for internal testing! You can now listen to VIP music for free, even Jay Chou can listen to it


 WeChat has updated its internal beta version 8.0.46. So in this new internal beta version of WeChat, what functional adjustments HE Tuber and interface optimizations are worthy of our attention? In this article, the author has sorted out and shared five aspects. Let’s take a look.

After having dealt with WeChat for so many years, Xiao Lei counted his fingers and knew that it had another beta version update.
The latest internal beta version number of WeChat is "8.0.46" , which features a decimal point and the numbers slowly increase by one.
As for the update log of the closed beta version? Ahem, I believe everyone knows it by heart without any introduction from Xiaolei.
"Optimized some known issues." Good guys, we have to find many new practical functions ourselves.

As an excellent experience officer for the new version of WeChat, Xiao Lei will update the experience as soon as possible every time WeChat is upgraded.
After using it for the past two days, Xiaolei discovered that WeChat was testing version 8.0.46, which also updated some practical functions.
It just so happens that WeChat versions 8.0.46 for iOS and Android platforms have been updated one after another. Today we will talk about them together.
No more beeps, what good things have been updated in the new internal beta version of WeChat this time? Xiao Lei immediately shared it with his friends.
1. Added "Today's Information" to audio
"Audio" is a function added in the previous versions of WeChat. It mainly integrates various audio control options of WeChat itself.
Since the launch of this feature, Xiao Lei feels that it is not yet "complete" and WeChat has been making minor repairs.
No, this time the new version of WeChat has added a new "Today's News" function in its internal testing.

Click "All" and WeChat will expand 20 selected pieces of information by default. Click on the article title to play the audio.

Source: WeChat
Click the "Add" button in the lower right corner of the article to add this article to the "Listen Later" list.
At this time, return to the "Audio" homepage and we can find "Listen Later", which is very convenient to operate.

Well, in addition to All and Listen Later, the homepage also has two tabs : "Friends Are Listening" and "Follow Updates . "

Click the little man icon in the upper right corner of the homepage to enter the "My Audio" page .
Here you can see our "Audio Listening Duration", as well as 3 lists for listening later, playback history and my favorites.
Clicking "Go to Publish" will jump to the homepage of our video account, where published audio works will be stored.

2. The audio player now adds the ability to slide right to display the original text.

In addition to the above changes, the WeChat audio player also adds a "slide to the original text" function.
Swipe right from the playback cover to the area above the article title. After the vibration feedback, let go and you can jump to the original article.
It is also very simple to return to the audio. Click the "floating window" on the article to jump back to the audio player.
Having said that, this function is still very user-friendly, making it convenient for us to jump back and forth between articles and audios.
But it would be even easier if you could jump to specific paragraphs and sentences in the article according to the playback progress bar.

WeChat updates version 8.0.46 for internal testing!
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WeChat updates version 8.0.46 for internal testing!

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