For this project, I was tasked with the goal of creating a website for a weekend event assisting with a local cause, so I chose to create a hypothetical website for habitat restoration in the San Francisco Bay area. I was in charge of handling every aspect of the website design, beginning with initial brainstorming of layout and design in Figma wireframes, branding including typography, imagery, logo, color palette, etc. From here I began to assemble the code for my website using Visual Studio Code, starting with my HTML and getting most if not all of my data entered and organized for further layout and design using CSS. Throughout this process, user feedback was gathered and implemented from a group of peers, further refining the website in both user interface, aesthetics, and content. The website code was then hosted on and published with GitHub. Please use the following three links to view my interactive wireframes, code repository, and live website!

Save the Bay

Save the Bay
