Digital Content Project: Kitchen Designers
Project overview
Penroe and King are Bristol-based kitchen designers who have a large social media following, but didn't have a company website. They wanted a place for clients to see their projects in a clear way, find out more about their services, and enquire in a more organised way than through Instagram messages, emails and phone. 
I focused on creating a slick and modern looking website that matched the style of their kitchen designs, while also being easy to navigate. I kept the site structure as minimal as possible, while also including copy that answered potential clients' questions and worked to bring the site higher up the search engine rankings. I organised information about their process on the 'services' page behind an accordion, keeping the minimalist look while also making the relevant information available to users if they wanted it. A visually led website, I focussed on the selection of images to highlight both the fine details of their craftsmanship as well as the overall look and feel of the finished spaces.
The company owners wanted to bring their professional but laid back personalities to the website, so I worked with them to create content that would give users this feel. This was done by the selection of images, the simple nature of the website navigation, and the style of the copy. They wanted an enquiry form on the website to streamline their new client onboarding, as their previous methods across email, social media and phone meant that messages often got lost. I worked with them to create an enquiry form that was quick and easy for users to complete, but also captured enough information to give the owners all the details they needed about a the proposed project. 
Kitchen Designers: Website Design

Kitchen Designers: Website Design


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