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3 Simple Exercises to relieve Stylish Branded glasses

Staring at screens all day? Feeling the dreaded eye strain? Don't settle for tired eyes – 

Mittal Optics offers you 3 quick and easy exercises AND the perfect solution: stunning branded frames to elevate your look while protecting your precious vision.

1. Palm Power: Gently rub your palms together until warm. Cup your hands over closed eyes, blocking out light. Relax for 30 seconds, allowing warmth and darkness to soothe your gaze.
2. Near & Far Focus: Hold your thumb at arm's length and focus on it. Slowly bring it closer to your nose, maintaining focus. Then, extend your thumb back out, again focusing intensely. Repeat 10 times.
3. Eye Gymnastics: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Slowly trace big circles with your eyes, first clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Repeat 5 times in each direction. Next, move your eyes up, down, left, and right, holding each position for a few seconds.

Remember, prevention is key! Take regular breaks from screens, adjust your brightness, and practice good posture. 
For the ultimate eye care upgrade, step into Mittal Optics and discover a world of branded frames crafted for both comfort and style. From sleek designer labels to timeless classics, find the perfect pair to complement your face shape and personality, while shielding your eyes with top-notch technology.visit -
3 Simple Exercises to relieve Stylish Branded glasses

3 Simple Exercises to relieve Stylish Branded glasses

