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How automate sending newsletters with blog's RSS feed?

How to automate the sending of newsletters with a blog's RSS feed?
Do you want to keep your contacts He Tuber up to date with the articles you post on your blog? Discover here the advantages of emailing campaigns or RSS newsletters and retain your contacts with fresh content!

If you have a blog or news page on your site, one of your main goals is certainly to ensure that no subscriber misses the interesting articles you write.
If your content is really interesting and designed exclusively for your target audience, there is no doubt that they will want to receive it. There is a simple way to keep your audience informed: automatic RSS feed campaigns!

What is an RSS feed?

RSS feeds allow Internet users to subscribe to news feeds and be notified each time they are updated. To do this, Internet users use RSS feed readers (also called feed aggregators), which can be integrated directly into their browsers, for example. There are also online tools or small software programs to install to read news feeds from your favorite sites. Whether it's following celebrity news or staying up to date on a professional sector, RSS feeds make it possible to inform an audience who wishes to receive news. A short video explains in detail what an RSS feed is:
Generally, all news portals or blogs that have frequent updates of articles or posts offer an RSS feed. It is advantageous to have an RSS feed associated with your site or blog because this functionality can allow you to increase your audience and above all to retain your readers. Please note that if your site is created under the RSS feed is automatically created, so you don't have to do anything!

The RSS feed generates a file for readers that displays publications from a news site or blog such as the title, address of the page or information, description of the information, date of publication of information, author or other relevant information.
RSS applied to email marketing

such as (formerly Sendinblue) offer the possibility of exploiting the RSS function of a website or blog by using the data to easily create email marketing campaigns. This way, your visitors do not have to return to consult your site themselves to see if there is anything new. They will receive all the news in their mailbox, that is to say that the reader does not go to the news, but “the news goes to the reader”!
This ensures that your subscribers receive your content updates by email. It's easy to do and saves you from creating a campaign every time your business wants to send news to its customers or prospects.

So here you have an easy and effective way to create a recurring newsletter with content from your site automatically loaded into the email which will be sent at the frequency of your choice. A significant time saving!

If you still have doubts about the advantages of being able to automatically send your content to your subscribers through their mailbox, when you read the advantages below, you will not want to waste any more time!

Your publications will arrive directly in your subscribers' inbox, whether they check their emails on smartphone, tablet or computer. With an attractive subject and useful content, you are sure to attract readers interested in your articles.
You will therefore generate more traffic to your site which can improve your commercial performance! This way you diversify your traffic sources. Emailing then becomes a real strategic complement to SEO and marketing on social networks.
It’s an excellent loyalty tool. Arriving with quality content in your subscribers' inboxes will always make them think of you and, when choosing a brand or company, guess who will be the best candidate... You!

You will be able to define the day and time that will give you the best results for sending your emails and thus increase the probability that your emails will be opened.
You set the frequency of shipments. If you usually post every two weeks or every month, choose that frequency! But with (formerly Sendinblue), you don't have to worry if for some reason you haven't written anything during this period, since your list will not receive any campaigns until your site is updated. Excellent news !

Create an automatic RSS campaign with Bravo (ex Sendinblue)
With (formerly Sendinblue), to use this functionality, simply configure the model in the campaign, assign your contact database to the campaign and define the sending frequency. The tool will take care of everything else! Your campaigns will be sent automatically based on updated data from your RSS feed!

With the RSS functionality of Bravos (formerly Sendinblue), you can publish your content at the ideal frequency and be assured that the content will reach your customers at the frequency you have set, once the campaign is scheduled. Not to mention that you define the frequency and the day and time of the sending, depending on your needs, which can be a daily, weekly or monthly sending, for example.
Here are the steps to follow in detail:
Add RSS integration to your Brevo (ex Sendinblue) account by simply clicking on the “Integrations” tab

Name your integration, for example “My RSS Campaigns”
Enter the URL of your RSS feed. To find it, open your website in a browser, right-click on the page and click "View page source." Do CTRL+S to search in the code and enter “RSS”, you should have an HTML tag like this “  <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=” WEB RSS Feed” href= »» /> . Copy the blue part, in our case, the feed is at this url: Design and personalize your email template in the Brevo Email Builder (formerly Sendinblue). This tool allows you to customize the emailing to your colors, by inserting your logo and the desired layout. Then, you will need to configure the elements to display automatically: the title of the article, the description, or the date for example. It is also possible to personalize the subject or content of the email with the fields from your recipient database. This will attract more attention and increase your open rates. Furthermore, be aware that newsletters created with the Email Builder are automatically responsive, that is to say, they automatically adapt to the recipient's screen size. Practical when we know that more than 50% of recipients consult their emails via their smartphone.

Select the list of your recipients. If you have not yet created one, you will need to do so by, for example, importing an Excel file containing all your contact data.
Configure the sending frequency: it can be daily or weekly or even every time new content is published!

Activate your integration. Once activated, the tool will work for you and send automatic RSS campaigns according to your settings.
It is strongly recommended to test your RSS campaigns on an internal recipient list before distributing to your contacts. This will ensure that the setup is complete and that the tool runs exactly as you want it to.

Once your first automatic campaigns have been sent, remember to regularly check your statistics. Beyond the traditional opening rate that must be followed, Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) will give you a lot of other information: click rate, most clicked links, geolocation of recipients or even the devices used to consult the emails you have sent.
How automate sending newsletters with blog's RSS feed?

How automate sending newsletters with blog's RSS feed?
