Perfil de Claire Cho

One Touch Lasts Forever (poster)

Starting Assessment 3, I found it initially challenging to understand the article I was given, which was explaining how public transport design is not gender neutral, and can in turn lead to sexual assault becoming an issue for women who use these facilities. The article itself made a lot of sense to me, and I fully supported the reasonings behind why the article was written and how it was being delivered, however I did find myself asking, ‘how am I meant to convey this message in a poster?”.

I then naturally began to brainstorm some possible ways that this could be displayed in a visual sense.

The first design that I thought of was of a girl on a bus and a hand being placed over her body. I thought this idea was alright, and then I brainstormed my second idea, which was the one I ended up going with, which displayed a woman in amongst a crowded area full of legs that almost overshadow and overpower her on a bus. The third idea was similar to my second, where it shows one woman looking up concerned in a crowded area full of men.

I chose not to go with my third option, only because I didn’t want the main focus of the poster to come across as if I’m targeting only men.

I really enjoyed this assessment, I found it very rewarding to recognise the progress I have been able to make on my Adobe skills – and the fact that I can now design a poster that delivers a certain message is very cool to me. In the past, when I would use any Adobe software, I would use the tools in such slow and random ways that I would never be able to achieve what I wanted, so just ended up either with a really botched outcome, or just noth- ing at all Even simple tools such as the pen tool, I know was a tool I would never think to use, however was the main tool that I used when creating my poster for Assessment 3. 

I found it interesting how the colours on my poster changed when printing. I did find it slightly frustrating to try make the colours pop on my poster, while also being legible. My final outcome does have a slightly deeper shade of red that I wasn’t originally aiming for, however once printed it made a lot of sense to do, as otherwise it was just too difficult to read.

I am excited to take these new skills into my future, because I think that they are such a good basic skill to have in the design industry. Considering how much I think my skills have improved compared to when I was doing Assessment 2 to now, I am excited to see my skills develop even more, the more I utilise the software.
One Touch Lasts Forever (poster)

One Touch Lasts Forever (poster)
