Important Things To Know Before Undergoing FUT+FUE+BHT Hair Transplant
The medical field has made significant advancements in various sectors today. There are now numerous diseases that can be effectively treated, and the cosmetics industry has also experienced notable growth. Specifically, the hair transplant industry has thrived and achieved a high success rate. This improved success rate can be attributed to the introduction of modern approaches in the field.
In the past, hair transplantation was only partially successful in terms of aesthetics. However, thanks to the advancements, it is now possible to achieve the best results. Nowadays, high density hair transplant in Jaipur with natural outcomes and maximum hair growth are feasible.
The city of Jaipur has gained attention from customers worldwide who are interested in hair transplants. The exceptional hair transplant care provided in the "pink city" has positioned our country as a top destination for travelers seeking this procedure. We take pride in being innovators and one of the leading locations for cutting-edge hair transplants. Such sophisticated treatments are only available at select centers in India.
The hair transplant cost in Jaipur varies depending on the level of care provided at each clinic. Factors such as the level of care and the doctor's experience can influence the overall cost of the surgery. If you are looking for a reputable location to address your hair loss needs, the Medispa hair transplant clinic is a one-stop shop for you.
Medispa hair transplant clinic in Delhi and Jaipur provides an advanced hair transplant procedure that guarantees impeccable results. We are the top hair transplant clinic in the country, renowned for our expertise and excellence worldwide. Our services meet international standards of quality at a reasonable price. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and enhance your personality and confidence with exceptional outcomes. If you are looking for a world-class hair transplant clinic, Medispa is the perfect choice for a fantastic hair transplant experience.
Combination technique of FUT, FUE and BHT
The integration method of FUT, FUE, and BHT is a newly developed approach that aims to achieve a greater number of hair follicles in a single session. Typically, this technique is effective in treating severe hair loss in just one session, although there may be instances where multiple sessions are necessary. By adhering to the safe zones, this technique has the potential to successfully extract over 4000 hair grafts.
How to perform combination technique of FUT, FUE and BHT
This technique is carried out in the following manner:
1. Local anesthesia is administered at both the donor and recipient sites.
2. The hair follicles are harvested using the following methods:
• The majority of hair grafts are obtained through the FUT hair transplant technique.
• The remaining hair follicles are harvested using the FUE technique from the scalp and BHT (Body Hair Transplant) technique, which involves extracting hair grafts from other areas of the body.
• In the BHT technique, the hair grafts are extracted from the shadow area under the chin.
• The hair grafts are extracted from the shadow area under the chin using a 0.75 mm punch surgical device, ensuring minimal scarring.
3. The transplantation site is prepared by creating slits according to the desired hairline design.
4. The hair follicles are transplanted into the bald area.
5. Post-operative instructions and follow-up appointments are provided.
Important points to consider before undergoing this technique:
Here, we will discuss some frequently asked questions that can assist you in gaining a better understanding of the hair transplant procedure and the techniques involved. They are outlined as follows:
1. Am I a suitable candidate for a hair transplant?
Answer: It is recommended to initially choose a reputable clinic and schedule a consultation appointment to determine the viability of the procedure in your specific case. The candidacy is confirmed by thoroughly reviewing your medical history and assessing the condition of your scalp to diagnose the cause of hair loss and evaluate the availability of hair density. It is advisable to disclose all relevant information regarding your existing health condition. In the event that a hair transplant is not a feasible option, alternative modalities will be provided to you.
2. What qualifications should a hair transplant surgeon have?
Ans: In India, a hair transplant surgeon should have a qualification in MCh Plastic Surgery, which is pursued after completing MS General Surgery. This qualification authorizes them to perform plastic surgery procedures. Additionally, plastic or cosmetic surgeons should also hold certification specifically for hair transplant procedures. If you require information about the credentials and certification of a surgeon, you can contact external authorities such as medical boards for confirmation.
3. How much does a hair transplant procedure cost?
Ans: Hair transplant procedures can be quite expensive, but the investment is usually worth it. In India, the cost of a hair transplant is relatively affordable. The average cost ranges from 70,000 to 400,000 INR, depending on the clinic and the surgeon. The cost per graft for a hair transplant in India is typically between 20 and 125 INR. It is important to note that some cheaper clinics in India may offer hair transplant services at a lower price, but they may compromise on certain crucial aspects. It is advisable to be cautious of such unethical practices and choose a clinic wisely.
4. In how much time we can expect results?
The results of the hair transplant procedure can be seen at different stages. Initially, after a few weeks, it is normal to lose the transplanted hair shafts, making you look the same as before the procedure. However, after 3 months, you will start to notice visible effects. At around 6 months, you can expect appropriate hair growth. Complete hair growth is usually appreciated at approximately 9-12 months after the transplant.
5. Resuming work after hair transplant?
Following a hair transplant, you can safely resume your work the day after the procedure. Hair transplant surgery does not cause any significant morbidity. However, it is crucial to strictly follow the instructions provided by your hair transplant surgeon to ensure optimal healing and recovery.
6. Do I need another hair transplant in future?
It is important to understand that achieving complete coverage of a bald area in a single session is not always possible. While this may be true for most cases, it may not apply to everyone. Hair transplant is a restoration procedure and does not halt the progression of hair loss. In cases of pattern hair loss, there is a possibility that hair loss may continue in areas other than the transplanted hairs. Therefore, future sessions of hair transplant may be required to address ongoing hair loss and extensive bald areas that cannot be rectified with a single session.
Undergoing FUT+FUE+BHT Hair Transplant

Undergoing FUT+FUE+BHT Hair Transplant


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