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What exactly is project management?

Project management: in Excel or with an online tool?
Planning and managing a project is of great importance in achieving your goals.
The way of supervising project management He Tuber
therefore differs depending on the company. Basically, there are two ways to proceed: project management in Excel or the use of project management software.
Do you want to know which project management method is best for you? So read on to find out!
What exactly is project management?
Project management includes how project tasks are prepared, organized, planned, and ultimately completed. It includes the work of project managers, employees and any external parties.
Projects are often divided into several subprojects for reasons of simplicity and overview. Project management is therefore also seen as a complex task, where the overview can quickly be lost. A project management system is therefore essential.
When do you manage projects in Excel?
As we mentioned earlier, the way He Tuber to manage a project differs from person to person. If the project is reasonably small and manageable, you can easily do project planning with Excel. A simple overview of tasks and responsibilities is easily achievable in Excel, but make sure that the planning presentation is clear to all (external) parties and employees involved.
For this to be effective, you obviously need to be sufficiently proficient in Excel and regularly update the sheets with new information.
Benefits of Project Management in Excel
It can be easy to set up a project and its schedule in Excel. There are many examples of project planning in Excel and many blog posts on the importance of different project phases. There is no need to manually configure a sheet layout in Excel. And project management in Excel is free! Almost every computer has Excel or a similar program such as Numbers (Apple). Otherwise, you can always settle for an online version such as Google Spreadsheets (Google Drive).
Still can't get by with Excel? You can use the various project planning templates offered, the numerous tutorials on YouTube or the free project templates for Excel. The different models will allow you to quickly master the preparation of your project management sheets.
Disadvantages of Project Management in Excel
Managing projects in Excel also has disadvantages. As the size and quantity of projects and associated schedules increase, you will spend more time updating and maintaining Excel sheets. Although the entire process from creation to processing of information is not necessarily very time-consuming, it can become a tedious task when the number of projects increases. Of course, this is still manual work.
If you want to customize your project management sheets, you will need to have extensive knowledge of Excel. Additionally, updating and maintaining project information involves entry errors. And when you make an entry error, you risk rendering your assembly sheet containing information unusable.
And when you don't know what to do anymore, things get complicated: Excel doesn't have a support service. You will therefore have to find and sort all the information online yourself. Another disadvantage of Excel for project planning is that you cannot link it to other systems to automatically synchronize data. This means you have to transfer data manually when using different systems.
Why choose project management software?
As projects grow, so do project administration and information. If you prefer not to spend a lot of time constantly updating and monitoring projects, it makes sense to choose a project management system. Compared to managing projects in Excel, a project management system can automate much of the work.
Benefits of project management software
When you choose project management software, the biggest advantage is that it saves you a lot of time. Much of project management can be automated. This has the advantage of reducing the risk of entry errors. You also don't have to configure sheets manually; you can often choose a pre-made project template. Additionally, project management software can often be easily linked to other software, such as your email system and calendar.
Project management software is often cloud-based software. This means that the project management system is available via the internet and all information is stored securely in the cloud. The system is therefore not fixed on a single computer, but can be opened on any computer connected to the Internet.
You can also easily provide access to the project management system to multiple (external) parties and relevant employees. This way they can also enter information if necessary. Often, project management software also comes with built-in messaging systems, so that discussion about a task or a certain deadline can take place quickly and easily.
Are you curious about the different project management software on the market? Check out the full overview of .
Mobile app
As the business grows and with it the number of projects, it may mean you are on the road more often. The need to track project progress outside of the office and potentially outside of office hours is also increasing. Many project management systems are therefore also equipped with a mobile application. This allows you to manage projects anytime, anywhere, regardless of where you are.
Disadvantages of project management software
Compared to project management in Excel, a software package is not free. You use an online service for which you pay a certain amount per month. However, the software package is often cancelable on a monthly basis.
And precisely because you use a cloud service, you are often dependent on a working (and stable) internet connection. If you don't have a connection, in many cases you can't access information about your project. Sometimes software offers an offline option, but in this case you can often only view project information and cannot update anything.
Project planning in Excel or with software?
The number and size of projects can vary greatly from company to company. Fortunately, there is a way for every entrepreneur to manage projects. If you only have a few (small) projects and have sufficient knowledge of Excel, you can easily manage projects in Excel. Even if you've just started managing projects and want to keep tabs on your expenses, project administration in Excel is a great free solution.
If you don't have a great knowledge of Excel, but you have a large number of projects on the go, a project management system is the ideal tool to help you. Even if you have doubts, there is a solution: you can often try project management software for free to see if you like it and if the investment is worth it.
How to adopt the best functional testing strategy?
Before delivering a project to a client, the testing phase is a crucial step for customer satisfaction. Indeed, a mistake often made is to deliver to the client too early, without having carefully checked the functionalities of the delivered project. Therefore, in the context of an application, it is important to check all the modules and their operation. For this, you have the choice. In this paragraph, we will reveal a tip for
Regarding this last software, it allows the implementation of an approach ensuring quality for companies. Indeed, by using it you will be able to define the strategy you want for the testing phase of your project before its delivery to the client. To do this, Scapin facilitates collaboration between the different members of your team so that this phase takes place in the most optimal way possible.
Of course, you could manage this functional testing phase by yourself, however the main risk is premature delivery of the project and therefore a failure to launch your project.
What exactly is project management?
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What exactly is project management?

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