This independent university project was centered around understanding the design language for the housewares & kitchen utensil brand Alessi - and applying these to a new everyday object.

Through analysis of Alessi's existing products (notably those designed by Michael Graves), I synthesised my findings into a design language specification guide. This document outlined the guiding principles, design cues and aesthetic elements that Alessi's products express. 

Utilising my guide, I applied the design language to a new everyday object outside the current product lines for the Alessi brand - I decided on a new table lamp and designed this through analogue sketching and CAD workflow processes.

My process in analysing the design language of the Alessi brand - moodboards and analogue sketching. 
(Images used in moodboards are not my own - credit to original owners) ​​​​​​​

My synthesis (specification guide) and application (new design) of the Alessi design language.
Alessi Table Lamp