Perfil de Zahid Hossain

Thumbnail Design & Photo Manipulation

Thumbnail Design
Photo Manipulation
I've developed an innovative approach for creating thumbnails that effectively capture the viewer's attention. This method, which I've personally devised, focuses on producing striking thumbnail designs and photo manipulations that stand out.

In each project showcase, I delve into the challenges encountered and the methodologies adopted to create these compelling visuals.

The design elements and photo composites for this series were meticulously crafted using Adobe Photoshop® and Adobe Illustrator®. These tools are my go-to resources for image editing and illustration, offering unparalleled precision and versatility for my creative process.

Mr. Perfect
The video discussed the idea that our pursuit of perfection often causes us to overlook more significant opportunities or the broader perspective. I was inspired to visually represent this concept by creating a Minecraft-style, robotic version of Ayman Sadiq, without using text.

However, due to time constraints of only 30 minutes, I abandoned this complex idea. Instead, I chose a simpler concept that would communicate a similar message. I created a thumbnail with the title "Mr. Perfect," which I wrote myself.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts or suggestions on this.

Board of Advisor
Based on the information provided, it seems that Ayman Bhaiya sought feedback from individuals close to him, forming a sort of "Personal Board of Advisor." 

While creating the thumbnail for this concept, I encountered a challenge: I didn't have a high-quality photo of the person Ayman mentioned in the video. To address this, I used FaceApp to create an older version of Ayman Sadiq. Additionally, to emphasize the theme of growth and progress, I placed a board in the center displaying an upward growth curve. 

I'm eager to hear your thoughts on this approach.

Salman Sadi
I'm sure you're familiar with Salman Sadi, especially if you've heard of "Khuda Lagse." Recently, I had the opportunity to work on a project for Sadi Bhaiya, who's always been an inspiration to me. His request was straightforward but exciting: "Zahid, I need a display picture for my profile."

Driven by my enthusiasm and respect for him, I couldn't help but dive deep into the details of this project. I wanted to create something truly special for him. During the process, I even shared a video of my work in progress. It was a joy to see how much Sadi Bhaiya appreciated not just the final product, but also the journey I took to create this simple yet meaningful Instagram display picture. The entire experience was incredibly fulfilling for me, and I'm genuinely proud of the work I did.

Learn Space Repeat
"Learn Space Repeat" is an innovative concept that revolves around the effective technique of spaced repetition. This method involves reviewing educational material at systematic intervals. Initially, these intervals are quite short - think of reviewing something after one hour, then again after four hours, and once more after a day. As you progress and become more familiar with the material, the intervals gradually increase, extending to four days, then a week, and eventually to two weeks.

For this unique idea, I envisioned creating an image of Ayman Sadiq with a 'mad scientist' vibe, set against the backdrop of a library. Unfortunately, I encountered some challenges with Midjourney in bringing this vision to life, which led to a lot of back-and-forth in the creative process. However, I was determined to persevere. I wanted to depict Ayman Bhaiya in a way that truly embodied the spirit of a scientist, so I took the liberty of creatively adjusting his hair to fit this theme.

I'm eager to hear what you think about this approach. Do you think it effectively captures the essence of spaced repetition and the scholarly, inquisitive spirit of Ayman Sadiq?

Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique is a method for enhancing time management by dividing work into 25-minute segments, called pomodori, interspersed with short breaks. It’s designed to foster a healthier relationship with time, enabling efficient task completion and increased productivity with reduced stress.

This concept struck me while exploring YouTube for related content. To illustrate it, I aimed to depict a before-and-after scenario, inspired by the effective use of split screens in thumbnails, like those in Mr. Beast’s videos. I acknowledge that Ayman Sadiq’s head might look somewhat unrealistic upon closer inspection. However, considering thumbnails are usually viewed on smaller screens like mobiles or desktops, these details often go unnoticed. Time constraints prevented me from refining the head and neck details further.

I’d appreciate your feedback on this creative approach.

Porcho ar Bhulcho?
The concept for the thumbnail was straightforward yet impactful: showcasing an empty head. This idea was initially restricted and couldn't be shared in its original form, leading me to create a more modest version eventually.

This inspiration struck me suddenly after watching a video, and I had to act quickly due to time constraints. The idea originated from the classic cartoon "Tom & Jerry," where an empty wallet or head is often depicted with a blank space, sometimes with a bee flying out of it. While I'm not entirely sure of the symbolic reason behind this imagery in the cartoon, I decided to incorporate a similar theme in my design.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this creative interpretation.

Thank you for taking the time to explore my project! If you have any questions about this project or any of my other works, please don't hesitate to reach out through Behance or any of my social media handles. I'm always happy to engage and provide answers.

Your appreciation and support mean a lot to me. If you enjoyed this project, consider following me for more cool and creative projects in the future. Your support helps me continue doing what I love!

Thumbnail Design & Photo Manipulation


Thumbnail Design & Photo Manipulation

I've developed an innovative approach for creating thumbnails that effectively capture the viewer's attention. This method, which I've personally Leer más
