Veronica Feathergris profili

TB Hockey - Corporate Identity

TB Hockey is a company that is dedicated to marketing and distributing field hockey equipment. 

To strengthen the brand and enable its independent use, an update is required while maintaining a strong visual identity that is already well-established in the market. While preserving the original structure, the logo undergoes a redesign with more organic and dynamic forms. Additionally, a customized typeface is created, which is less rigid and contributes to softening the logo's initial hardness.

The new icon emerges from the incorporation of a new element, the hockey ball, accompanied by two curved features that embrace it. These curved elements symbolically represent both hockey stickers and bull horns, reflecting the brand's original identity. The final result consists of two distinct elements that possess enough individuality to function both together as a unified logo and independently as recognizable brand components.
TB Hockey - Corporate Identity
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TB Hockey - Corporate Identity

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