Logo Concepts for Final Eden

The Furies were a group of exclusively women bikers, escaped from a penitentiary. The Warheads were a gang of former military personnel. The Gorehounds were a group of scavenging mutants, forced to live on the periphery of society. Each group had a colour association as well that I attempted to integrate into some of the concepts.
Logo Concepts for Final Eden

I actually created about 16 logo concepts, but these were the final four, with the one that was eventually chosen being the road sign in the upper left. 
Modal and HUD for Final Eden
As Final Eden was set in a post-apocalyptic world, we wanted our HUD and modals to look like kit-bashed hardware, scavenged and jimmied together. This technique combined some photosourcing along with a lot of paintover and hand-painted textures. It was a lot of fun to work on.

Character art: Karla Ortiz
Final Eden


Final Eden

Final Eden User Interface and Logo Design
