Sumatt Kaurs profil

Public Patterns - Design Thinking

Public Patterns is a design project centered around the exploration of human behaviour in public spaces. Recognising the dynamic nature of public interactions, the project aimed to leverage design thinking principles to enhance these spaces. The chosen site was Public Library in Melbourne, Victoria. In a collaborative team of four, we engaged in a multi-week process, from initial site visits and observation to the development of innovative design proposal that would positively impact public spaces.

Project Year - 2022
Project Type - University Project
My Role - Graphic Designer, UX Designer
Tools Used - Adobe Illustrator, Procreate, Canva

Scope and Design Rationale
The project's scope formed a comprehensive timeline that included site visits, information collection, synthesis, prototyping, public feedback, and final presentation. The design rationale was rooted in understanding the intrinsic link between people and public spaces, aiming to identify patterns and opportunities for creative interventions. Through empathetic observation, idea generation, and iterative feedback loops, the goal was to create solutions that not only enhanced public library but also fostered meaningful human interactions.

Final Thoughts
Public Patterns offered a unique journey into the intersection of design thinking and human-centric experiences. The collaborative nature of team efforts made me realise the importance of collective insights and diverse perspectives in shaping innovative solutions. The iterative nature of the design process, marked by site visits, prototyping, and public feedback, highlighted the dynamic evolution of ideas. The final presentation was not just a culmination but a celebration of the team's ability to translate observations into impactful design proposal.

What I Learned
The focus on human-centered information collecting through observation helped me become more adept at recognising design difficulties and developing user empathy. Public feedback became an important phase in concept refinement, highlighting the practical use of design thinking. My ability to communicate clearly was improved by the project. In the end, Public Patterns demonstrated how design thinking can be used to transform public areas for better user experiences.

Public Patterns - Design Thinking

Public Patterns - Design Thinking
