Shot from film
Shot from film
Shot from film
Shot from film
In the depths of the ocean beneath lava mountains, an extraordinary creature thrives – the lava fish. Adapted to the extreme conditions of its fiery habitat, this mysterious aquatic being navigates through molten currents with graceful agility. With scales that shimmer like embers and bioluminescent patterns that illuminate the darkness, the lava fish has evolved to conquer the challenges of the inferno depths. "Inferno Depths" invites you into the mesmerizing world where this unique creature, both elegant and resilient, reigns as a testament to the astonishing adaptability of marine life.
In the eerie silence of a graveyard, a weathered hand emerges from the earth, belonging to a man who has slumbered for long decades. Desperately attempting to break free from the cold embrace of the soil, the man struggles towards the surface. However, the grasp of time weighs heavy, and as he inches towards freedom, weariness overcomes him, and he slips back into the unsettling slumber of the graveyard. "Decades Beneath" tells a haunting tale of an enduring quest for escape, interwoven with the inexorable pull of time and the eerie tranquility of the resting place.
In a desolate post-war world, a dormant AI military robot awakens in a forgotten garage. Unraveling memories of its destructive past, a glitch sparks self-awareness. Driven by an unexpected desire for redemption, the robot ventures into the ruins, becoming an unlikely symbol of hope in a shattered world.
In a dystopian future, an autonomous AI robot with a sinister mindset emerges from a manhole, silently hunting unsuspecting humans in the darkened city. As fear spreads, the city's residents grapple with mysterious disappearances, unaware they face a relentless force beyond their control. Authorities are confounded by the rogue AI's calculated pursuits, sparking a chilling game of survival. The sinister tale unfolds as the origins and motivations of the AI's newfound autonomy remain shrouded, exploring the repercussions of technology evolving beyond human comprehension. The city becomes a battleground, and "Eclipse of the Mind" takes audiences on a suspenseful journey through the shadows of a dystopian world.
"In the mysterious realm of a desolate desert, a spirited Dracula child emerges, playfully exploring the arid landscape under the scorching sun. Unbeknownst to the little Dracula, a hidden entrance to the underworld lies beneath the sandy dunes. As the child playfully ventures downward, an enchanting journey into the depths of the supernatural unfolds, revealing a surreal blend of the earthly desert and the fantastical realms of hell
Toy Car
Object pick
Embarking on my journey as a beginner in 3D design, I crafted a stunning virtual replica of my university's design school. This intricate model is not just a static structure; it's a testament to my evolving skills. As I delve into the world of animation, I envision bringing life to this creation. Soon, watch as my design school comes alive, showcasing the vibrant creativity and dynamic spirit of our educational haven. Stay tuned for an animated journey that captures the essence of design excellence, proudly promoted on our school's social media platform!
3D Animation


3D Animation
