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The Neverending Story in Candle Wax Dioramas

A thesis exploration illustrating Michael Ende's award winning novel, The Neverending Story.
The Neverending Story is set in a world created by human imagination. This exploration aims to portray the realm inside the book with one of the most unimaginable materials for book illustration – candle wax. 
Book Cover
The illustrations are made mostly out of candle wax. Other materials are only used for base structures and details. The candle wax figures are painted with acrylic and oil paint. 
Bastian in the Attic
"He settled himself, picked up the book, opened it to the first page, and began to read- The Neverending Story."
The Ivory Tower
"From a distance it looked like a pointed mountain peak twisted like a snail shell. Its highest point was deep in the clouds."
Morla, The Aged One
“ Atreyu saw that it was a head attached to a long wrinkled neck, the head of a turtle. Its eyes were black and as big as ponds.This whole Tortoise Shell Mountain -- it suddenly dawned on Atreyu -- was one enormous beast, a giant swamp turtle; Morla the Aged One.”
“The battle between the two giants was fearsome. The luckdragon was still defending himself, spewing blue fire that singed the cloud-monster’s bristles. Smoke came whirling through the crevices in the rock, so foul-smelling that Atreyu could hardly breathe.”
The Three Magic Gates
"A sphinx sees nothing. In a sense she is blind. But her eyes send something out. And what do her eyes send out? All the riddles of the universe. That’s why these sphinxes are always looking at each other. Because only another sphinx can stand a sphinx’s gaze."
The Voice of Silence
"The floor was made of mosaic tiles, showing strange ornamental designs or mysterious scenes and images. Atreyu passed over it, climbed broad steps, came to a vast terrace, descended another set of steps, and passed down a long avenue of stone columns"
Spook City
“..the deathly stillness of a deserted city. The place seemed to be under a curse, a city of haunted castles
and houses, inhabited only by ghosts.”
Gmork and Atreyu
“Atreyu sank to the grimy pavement beside the werewolf’s corpse. And step by step, soundless and irresistible, the Nothing advanced from all sides, through the high black wall surrounding the city.”
The Childlike Empress
"At the center of the great round blossom.  She seemed infinitely frail and delicate. Her almond-shaped eyes, the color of dark gold, were serene and untroubled. She smiled. Her small, slight body was wrapped in an ample silken gown which gleamed so white that the magnolia petals seemed dark beside it. She looked like an indescribably beautiful little girl of no more than ten, but her long, smoothly combed hair, which hung down over her shoulders, was as white as snow."
The Nothing
They crossed the Labyrinth garden, or rather, what was left of it, making frequent detours, since many of the paths ended in the Nothing."
The Old Man of Wandering Mountain
"On the other side of the hovering book she now saw a man’s face. It was bathed in a bluish light. The man’s face was as deeply furrowed as if it had been carved in the bark of an ancient tree. His beard was long and white, and his eyes were so deep in their sockets that she could not see them. He was wearing a dark monk’s robe with a hood"
The Beginning
“ ‘Why is it so dark, Moon Child?’ he asked.
‘The beginning is always dark, my Bastian.’
Slowly Bastian withdrew his hand, and the glittering speckhovered between them like a little star.”
The Desert of Colors
"Then for the first time the lion turned toward Bastian, who for a moment expected to be burned to a crisp by the flames that seemed to surround the lion. But his fear soon passed and he returned the lion’s gaze."
Bastian wept bitterly. The stone lion was wet with his tears. In the end, the boy curled up between the great paws and fell
The Silver City of Amarganth
“In the middle of this lake lay the Silver City of Amarganth. The houses were all supported by boats, and the larger palaces by great barges. Every house and every ship was made of finely chiseled, delicately ornamented silver.”
Song of the Luck Dragon
“And so it was with Bastian and Atreyu, who were sitting side by side on the broad balcony of Querquobad’s palace. Neither had ever heard the song of a luckdragon before.” 
The Acharis
“The Amarganthians would need the help of the Acharis, who are the ugliest beings in Fantastica. Because they are so ugly they weep uninterruptedly, and for that reason they are also known as the Weepers. Their stream of tears wash the special silver deep down in the earth, and from it they make the most wonderful filigree.”
The Shlamoofs
“They all had bright-colored butterfly wings on their backs and were wearingthe weirdest outfits -- some checkered, some striped, some ringed, some dotted. They had faces like clowns, splotched with every imaginable color.”
“Xayide arose from her red-coral throne. She was wearing a long gown of violet silk, and her flaming red hair was coiled and braided into a fantastic edifice. Her face and her long, thin hands were as pale as marble.”
The Deep Thinkers
The Superiors of the order, the Three Deep Thinkers, were built like humans except for their heads. Ushtu, the Mother of
Intuition, had the head of an owl; Shirkry, the Father of Vision, the head of an eagle; and Yisipu, the Son of Reason, the head of a fox."
The Battle of Ivory Tower
"Atreyu tried to defend himself with his own sword. But wielded by Bastian, Sikanda cut it in two and struck Atreyu in the chest. Blood spurted from a gaping wound."
Burying Sikanda
"The crash had thrown Bastian to his knees. He dug into the earth with both hands. When the hole was big enough, he unslung the sword Sikanda and put it in. 
'I am taking leave of you forever. Never again shall anyone draw you against a friend. No one shall find you here, until what you and I have done is forgotten.' "
The Boy Without a Name
"Slowly the boy without a name reached for the gold chain around his neck and divested himself of AURYN. He bent down
and carefully laid the Gem in the snow before Atreyu."
Coreander's Book Shop
“When he came to Mr. Coreander’s bookshop, his courage failed him after all. Behind the wall of books at the far end of the dimly lit room he heard a cough. He went forward, then, slightly pale but with grave composure, he stepped up to Mr. Coreander.”
Making the Illustrations
Thank you for viewing! 
Heartfelt gratitude to the following:
My assistant, most annoying critic, financer and awesome mother; Marietta Adea.
My Thesis Adviser, Sir Noli Vicedo
My supportive uncle; Rodolfo Pascual
My very enthusiastic aunt; Julia Joble
My thesis slave and bringer of heavy things; Kier Goli
My co-photographer and brother by choice; Sean Joya
Marj Calasin, for giving a very inspiring Johnny Depp photo while i was working 
Jia Mangaluz, for dying with me
The Neverending Story in Candle Wax Dioramas

The Neverending Story in Candle Wax Dioramas

Illustrating Michael Ende's The Neverending Story with candle wax diorama.
