Profil użytkownika „Damini Rathore”

Consorzio Tutela Vini Montecucco

Within a span of 24 years, Consorzio Montecucco has gained trust of local companies and build a strong sense of community in the region. The territorial connection with the Tyrrhenian Sea, Amiata Volcano and the trace of human imprint are the aspects contributing to the design of the logo.

The design of the topographic lines are reminiscent of the natural and human imprint of the territory, while the seven lines represent the seven municipalities in the Grosetto region.

The earthy colours reinforce the territorial aspect. They represent the region’s territory and colour imagery, partly drawing from the existing heritage and brand identity the Consorzio is already recognised by. The serif typeface is modern yet has a hint of nostalgia to it and expands the space for new creative ideas. 

The design brings in the new identity that Consorzio Montecucco associates with, one of moving forward and looking ahead yet keeping past roots intact. 

The visual identity expands on the main design element of topographic lines in stationery as well as the website design, emphasising again on the value of topographic lines as a natural print as well as the connection with human imprint on the territory.

This project was completed as part of Branding Module for
 Masters Graphic Design in New Media at IED, Florence, Italy in 2022

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Instagram - Photography & Design  |  500px  |  Linkedin

Consorzio Tutela Vini Montecucco


Consorzio Tutela Vini Montecucco
