Profil appartenant à Kunal Ghosh

Promise of Optogenetics - Diagnoses & Therapeutic

Optogenetics, a groundbreaking technique merging light and genetics, holds immense promise as a diagnostic and therapeutic approach with applications in areas including cardiovascular disease, pain management, and gastrointestinal processes.
Optogenetics is an advanced technique that utilizes light-sensitive proteins to control the activity of neurons. The first step is to genetically modify neurons to express light-sensitive proteins, typically opsins, which allow researchers to manipulate neuronal activity with light waves. Opsins can either stimulate or inhibit neuronal activity, further allowing precise control over neural circuits. Optogenetics first emerged in the early 2000s, when scientists harnessed the light-responsive properties of microbial opsins found in algae and bacteria.
Optogenetics can be used in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular conduction abnormalities. Initially demonstrated in transgenic mouse hearts, optogenetics showed the potential for investigating cardiac pacing and arrhythmias. Recent studies have highlighted its capability to lower energy requirements and reduce ventricular activation time by targeting specific opsin-expressing sites in the heart.
Moreover, optogenetics offers a novel avenue for defibrillation. Researchers successfully terminated ventricular tachycardia in mouse hearts using precise light pulses, showing promise for less damaging defibrillation methods. Similarly, other studies explored optogenetics' potential in identifying specific heart regions contributing to arrhythmias, showcasing its diagnostic applications.
Additionally, an automated hybrid bioelectric system integrating optogenetics and electrical systems can be implemented for on-demand termination of atrial fibrillation. Studies showed efficient termination of induced arrhythmias, offering a potentially shock-free and anti-fibrillatory therapy. This therapy can be particularly beneficial for younger patients with recurring atrial fibrillation episodes.
Researchers from the United States have developed flexible, implantable optical fibers aimed at understanding nerve pain and peripheral nerve disorders in animal models. The stretchable, transparent fibers are made from a hydrogel mix, allowing them to adapt to natural body motion without causing damage or constraints. These fibers move and stretch with the body, providing a tool to investigate mechanisms underlying conditions like peripheral neuropathy, which affects around 2.4 percent of the global population.
Implanted in mice genetically modified to respond to specific light wavelengths, these fibers successfully alleviated pain when illuminated with yellow light, inhibiting sciatic pain. Even after prolonged use and movement, the fibers remained functional, offering a promising tool to study diseases of the peripheral nervous system under natural conditions.
Looking ahead, researchers aim to upscale their technology for larger animals and combine optogenetic nerve control with neural activity recording. Their goal is to unravel mechanisms behind chronic pain and nerve-related conditions, potentially leading to novel therapeutic interventions. Additionally, the application of this approach can be expanded beyond the scope of peripheral nerves, targeting mobile organs like the gastrointestinal system.
For example, in June 2023, scientists at MIT developed a groundbreaking device combining light sources, thermal sensors, microelectronics, and microfluidics to establish stable connections between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract in mice. This device enables wireless optogenetic stimulation of neural circuits in both the brain and the gut.
The device uses multifunctional fibers that are mechanically designed for implantation in both the deep brain and the digestive tract, ensuring compatibility and functionality without causing damage. A modular wireless control circuit called NeuroStack allows real-time programmable light delivery through the fibers and wireless data transfer.
Through experiments, the researchers successfully influenced the mice's behavior by modulating brain and gut activities using these fibers. They induced reward-seeking and feeding behaviors in the mice by stimulating nerve endings in the gut and cells that control satiety hormones. This technology opens avenues to study conditions speculated to involve gut-brain connections like irritable bowel syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, and Parkinson's disease.

Promise of Optogenetics - Diagnoses & Therapeutic
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Promise of Optogenetics - Diagnoses & Therapeutic

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