Henkilön Lisa Nemetz profiili

Sollner Felder: Action group visual identity

Bürgerinitiative Grüngürtel München Süd (2023), pro bono work


The project 
The Bürgerinitiative Grüngürtel München Süd is a community action group formed to safeguard the vital green spaces in southern Munich from the threats of construction and gentrification. The area in question serves a critical role in mitigating Munich's summer temperatures and providing a habitat for local wildlife, including endangered bird and insect species. It is a place where residents walk their dogs, teach their children to ride bikes, participate in communal gardening and horseback riding, and most importantly, find tranquility.

The potential transformation of this land into towering highrises poses a severe threat to both the natural environment and climate stability. As construction investors already bought parts of the land, our campaign objectives are to a) raise awareness about this urgent situation and b) mobilise our neighbors to sign petitions and communicate their concerns to the local council. 

This is a project dear to my heart. If you live in Munich or nearby, please support by signing our petition.

My role
I lead the creative concept and design execution.

Sollner Felder: Action group visual identity


Sollner Felder: Action group visual identity
