D. Madden profili

Bass Pro Shops: Rebrands

The longest standing series of projects I’ve ever worked on. I’ve developed entire sign packages incorporating Brand Packs from the client and architectural drawings with survey information. This helped with the customer approval, permitting and sealed engineering.
Sunset Hills, Mo
This locations created some unique mounting challenges. However, after internal reviews and engineering revisions, we were able to meet the deadline. 
New Aluminum Banner.
In addition to external signs, we’re developing interior and site signage.
Family Health Center
This was one of the first projects I had to read architectural plans and translate that to the team. This one really prepared me for the rebrand sign packages that were to come. 
Bass Pro Shops: Rebrands
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Bass Pro Shops: Rebrands

Worked with a multi-disciplinary team to develop large signage for rebranded stores. Work involved incorporating architectural drawings into a Si Daha Fazla Bilgi

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