Body & Language
Objectives : To give physicality to represenation,text.
Key words : language / definition / physicality / movement / energy / reality / aura
‘Action speaks louder than the words’.
This project aims to restore the lost ‘aura’ of copies in my language.
I granted existentiality in time and space to an object to regenerate the ‘auratic perception’ of reality.
Human behavior and thoughts are all expressed and communicated in the form of language.
Even though the language itself can be a representation of human behavior. 
I want to point out that words are merely superficial.
For example, the action that moving your body and feet in a way which follows a rhythm,
usually in time to music is stipulated as a word ‘dance’.
And the word is comprised of the image of alphabet, ‘d,a,n,c,and e’,
which we agree on calling with the name of it.
However, I think this word ‘dance’ cannot express the physicality of real action
such as real feelings of muscles’ movements or emotions.
This is because we cannot feel the energy created by actual dancing and moving arms
and legs when even reading the definition of the ‘dance’.
Dance acrylic on paper, polyester, 200 x 170 cm
Dancing Dance acrylic on paper, polyester, 200 x 170 cm
Jump, acrylic on paper, polyester, 200 x 170 cm
Jumping Jump, acrylic on paper, polyester, 200 x 170 cm
Run, acrylic on paper, polyester, 200 x 170 cm
Running Run, acrylic on paper, polyester, 200 x 170 cm
dance, jump and run suits
Body & Language
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Body & Language

‘Action speaks louder than the words’. This project aims to restore the lost ‘aura’ of copies in my language. I granted existentiality in time an Lire la suite

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