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Reddit's Recent Transition from a 2D to a 3D Design

Pentagram Redesigns Reddit's Identity for a Coherent and Vibrant Global Presence!
Remember Snoo, that adorable but slightly unhinged alien mascot of Reddit? Yeah, he's getting a makeover! And not just him, the whole Reddit universe is undergoing a glow-up thanks to a brand refresh by Pentagram. Let's go through the case study and uncover the secrets behind Reddit's appealing visual makeover.

In late 2022, Reddit reached out to Pentagram for help in streamlining its growing global presence and addressing the increasing complexities of its brand elements.
The accumulation of diverse branding materials and adaptations of its mascot, Snoo, along with unique terminologies like 'r/' for subreddits, had presented a labyrinthine challenge.

With a surplus of brand assets and an expansive global vision, Reddit wanted to revamp its identity for a more seamless, intuitive, and cohesive brand experience while maintaining its inherent sense of friendliness and joy.
Refining Brand Positioning

Reddit, renowned for its utopian brand ethos and vibrant community contributions, needed a unified strategy to corral its diverse brand elements.

The team at Pentagram has gone deep into the very essence of Reddit to acknowledge the authenticity and the active curiosity of its user base. This exploration helped them to define Reddit's brand around four key traits: inherently eclectic, positively different, delightfully absurd, and genuinely candid.

Reddit is "the heart of the internet" because of its genuine conversations and certain traits. Information is presented logically and concisely with everyday language and the active voice being used.
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Reddit's Recent Transition from a 2D to a 3D Design

Reddit's Recent Transition from a 2D to a 3D Design

Reddit's recent transition from a 2D to a 3D design is a significant change in the world of digital aesthetics. The transformation of Reddit's ic 閱讀更多
