After escaping the Box in a surreal dream and founding a real contact with outer world also within a dream, this solitary character begins to change his opinion about the Box, about Himself.

Box Man understands that the nightmare does not lay in dreams. He wants true freedom, he realy is the only one (the lonely one).
The Box Man is tramp who lives in a big box 
from fridge, TV or some other bigger appliance. 
The Box Man is man, who changed his flat, friends, 
acquaintances, job and comfort to a living space close to 
1 square meter.
The Box Man is invisible. 
He doesn’t even exists for most.
People don’t like them and
for some reason, are afraid of them… 
Again I woke up from the same dream. 
Independant production team Ad Libitum presents short film by the novel of Kobo Abe.
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The BOX MAN (2011)