Lucy Svinarenkos profil

My dreams | Personal project

My dreams
Много лет мне снятся ночные кошмары с участием больших и малых архитектурных форм. Иногда некоторые локации снятся мне не один раз, поэтому я хорошо их помню. Некоторое время назад я стала смелее вести себя в таких снах — одни здания мне хочется спасти от сноса, а другие я могу долго изучать со своими сонными спутниками. Однако подойти к "тем самым" панелькам я всё ещё боюсь!

For many years, I have been haunted by nightmares featuring both large and small architectural forms. Sometimes, certain locations appear in my dreams more than once, so I remember them well. Some time ago, I became bolder in my behavior within these dreams. There are buildings I want to save from demolition, while others I can study for a long time with my dream companions. However, I still fear approaching "those very panel buildings"!
"I am standing near the highway. It's cloudy. On the roadside, there is a café. It is made of shimmering blue glass.
My friend bought an apartment in a renovated building, where they turned ordinary apartments into giant studios. 
We step outside and see gigantic cockroaches on the facade."
"I can wander around the city for a long time and then suddenly come across those very panel buildings, get scared, and wake up, never daring to approach them.

I walk through the corridors of my elementary school building in search of an exit, but every time I find myself on the fourth floor. The hallways and staircases seem endless and incredibly confusing."
" I moved to New York. Went for a walk around the neighborhood and couldn't navigate around this gigantic marble building for a very long time.

A hurricane is about to start. Giant power lines sway above my head."
"The house is being prepared for demolition. I decide to steal malachite tiles from its facade.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I reassure everyone, saying that it's all my dream, and if anything bad happens, I will wake up. 
We feel danger when we realize that all the houses around us are identical, and we can't find the one we need."
My dreams | Personal project


My dreams | Personal project
