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observing the R2 experience at the medical ICU

observing the R2 experience at the medical ICU
University of Chicago Hospitals
How are mobile computers helping doctors and nurses with their jobs at the ICU?

We observed how doctors and nurses at the medical ICU used computer-on-wheels units (“R2”s), to inform opportunities for improving the R2 user experience.

The project:
In 2008, the University of Chicago hospitals deployed 600 computer-on-wheels units (“R2”s) as part of the
computerization of hospital data. We observed the love/hate relationship between the R2, its software and the Medical ICU staff, to understand where the experience of the R2 could be improved. Observing at an ICU came with a lot of challenges and restrictions, resulting in an intense learning experience.

Techniques used:
Research: In-context interviews, User observation, Shadowing
Analysis: AEIOU framework, List making, Pain and pleasure points analysis

Immediate teachable moments: using the R2 during morning rounds at the medical ICU
Day in the life of R2: Providers coordinate work on a patient record to workaround problems with sharing files.

A day in the life of R2: Seeing things from a different point of view

Here, the R2 “shares” its point of view. In this case, a nurse and respiratory therapist have to coordinate work on a patient record. The R2’s fight over who gets the record first! This technique illustrates the pain and pleasure points of key moments during the day at the medical ICU in a lively and quickly intuitive way.
Summarizing poster

Communicating what is important and what can be done about it

Here, a summarizing poster highlights key insights organized according to type of user (nurses and physicians) and includes both key opportunities for improvement and suggestions for making the good things that already worked well even better. Creating this poster and executive summary helped the client quickly answer what’s important and what can be done about it. They could later turn to the full research report detailing themes found, to complete the picture of our analysis. The client treasured both the structure and the language used in these documents.
observing the R2 experience at the medical ICU

observing the R2 experience at the medical ICU

In 2008, the University of Chicago hospitals deployed 600 computer-on-wheels units (“R2”s) as part of the computerization of hospital data. We ob Read More
