Profiel van Sadmanor Rehman

Compositing Mobile Screen using MOCHA_VFX

Compositing Mobile Screen using MOCHA
1. Embracing the Challenge:
Embarking on the magical journey of compositing a mobile screen, I found myself in a realm where the digital and physical seamlessly merged. Armed with my quartet of enchantment – DaVinci Resolve, MOCHA, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe After Effects – I set out to weave a tale of creativity and precision.

2. Delving into the Scene:
Before the enchantment could unfold, I delved into the footage, decoding it like an alchemist deciphering ancient scrolls. Identifying tracking points, setting the visual tone – it was a solo exploration guided by my vision, free from the constraints of a creative team.
3. Alpha Matting's Ingenuity (DaVinci Resolve):
A challenge emerged – a wandering hand threatened the sanctity of my mobile screen. The need for precise tracking data led me to DaVinci Resolve, where I wielded the power of alpha matting. The hand became a transparent ghost, allowing the mobile screen to bask in its deserved spotlight, untouched by intrusions.

4. MOCHA's Solo Dance:
MOCHA, my celestial dance partner, took the stage. Tracking the mobile screen with finesse, it mirrored every movement flawlessly. A solo ballet of precision, leaving no room for missteps. The mundane transformed into the extraordinary under the guidance of my meticulous hand.

5. The Stealthy Hand Intrusion:
A shadowy intruder emerged – the hand, a potential saboteur of my meticulous tracking efforts. The decision to alpha mat it was not just a solution but a stroke of my own genius. With the hand gracefully subdued, my mobile screen danced freely, untouched by the shadows of obstruction.
6. Graphic Conjuring (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects):
In the sacred halls of Adobe Photoshop, graphics were conjured by my hand – a wizard's wand crafting spells to captivate. Adobe After Effects, my maestro, wove them together into a seamless and enchanting spectacle. A personal alchemy of creation, unhindered by the input of others.
7. Film Grain's Personal Touch (Adobe After Effects):
To infuse a touch of cinematic elegance, the whispering winds of film grain swept through my composition. Guided by Adobe After Effects, this personal touch breathed life into the frames, bestowing an ethereal charm upon my creation. The visual tapestry now bore the mark of my timeless authenticity.

8. Blur's Intimate Symphony (Adobe After Effects):
A gentle blur, a personal symphony, swept across the background. Like a curtain, drawing focus to the star of my narrative – the mobile screen. Guided by my hand in Adobe After Effects, this symphony of blur elevated the depth, allowing my creation to transcend the boundaries of reality, embracing a realm where magic and reality coalesced.

9. Scrutiny of the Personal Vision:
As the tale unfolded, the composited shot underwent a personal rite of passage. Every pixel was scrutinized, every detail examined. With each iteration, my creation evolved, aligning seamlessly with the whispered dreams of my personal vision.

10. The Solo Finale:
In the culmination of this mystical journey, the final output emerged – a testament to the union of my artistry and technological prowess. DaVinci Resolve's alpha matting, MOCHA's precision, Adobe Photoshop's graphic wizardry, and Adobe After Effects' orchestration combined forces under my command to birth a masterpiece. A mobile screen, once mundane, now danced with life, a bewitching creation that breathed my personal magic into the ordinary.
Compositing Mobile Screen using MOCHA_VFX


Compositing Mobile Screen using MOCHA_VFX
