Activate: Fostering Access to Healthcare in the Rockaways grew out of an initially daunting assignment; several teams of designers, each assigned a New York City community particularly affected by Hurricane Sandy, were to identify a barrier to that community’s resilience in the face of future climate change and design an effective solution. With the invaluable assistance and input of residents and community leaders in Rockaway, Queens, we found that barrier in a lack of access to emergency healthcare. Our solution was an activist campaign and designed system that could ultimately live within and be easily replicated by members of the Rockaways community.
This project was a collaboaration with fellow Pratt MFA students John Hallman, Alicia Burnett, and Zhitong Zeng.


Activate: Fostering Access to Healthcare in the Rockaways grew out of an initially daunting assignment; several teams of designers, each assigned 자세히 보기
