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Wicked Love TV for Eastwood Danso

"Wicked Love TV" was a journey across diverse cultural landscapes, mirroring the eclectic nature of the AW24 collection. As the producer, my role was multifaceted and immersive. I was deeply involved in the conceptualization of the web series, ensuring that it resonated with our brand ethos and appealed to our target audience. My responsibilities extended to scouting vibrant and visually captivating locations, which were crucial in setting the tone for each episode. These locations ranged from the bustling excitement of Comic-Con to the haute couture backdrop of Paris Fashion Week, each setting offering a unique canvas for our narrative.

One of the series' highlights was the intriguing question posed to our interviewees: "What does Wicked Love mean to you?" This question became the thematic thread weaving through our episodes, eliciting a spectrum of responses that reflected the diversity and complexity of human experiences and emotions. This engagement added an authentic, raw edge to our content, connecting viewers with the visceral essence of our brand.
Scriptwriting for the series was another area where I contributed significantly. Crafting scripts that were both engaging and reflective of our brand's voice was a balancing act of creativity and strategic communication. These scripts were not just dialogues but were designed to engage, provoke thought, and connect with our audience on a deeper level.

An essential component of the project was leveraging social media to amplify our reach. I devised and executed a social media strategy focusing on TikTok, where I created short-form clips from our episodes. These clips were not only entertaining but also strategically designed to drive engagement and traffic to Eastwood Danso's Instagram and e-commerce site. This approach allowed us to tap into the vast potential of social media, harnessing its power to create a buzz around our collection and the "Wicked Love TV" series.

My role as a producer for "Wicked Love TV" was a journey of creative exploration and strategic execution. The project not only enhanced the visibility and allure of Eastwood Danso's AW24 collection but also established a deeper, more meaningful connection with our audience worldwide. Through innovative storytelling, engaging content, and savvy social media strategies, "Wicked Love TV" was a testament to the power of creative collaboration in the world of fashion marketing.
Wicked Love TV for Eastwood Danso


Wicked Love TV for Eastwood Danso
