Ammad Ud Din Tipu 的個人檔案

B7 Armored Gun Port: Enhanced APC Security



Introducing a groundbreaking project aimed at revolutionizing armored vehicle security – the design and deployment of B7 level armored gun ports for APCs. This innovative endeavor stems from extensive research, meticulous design, rigorous testing, and precision manufacturing. Embodying resilience and cutting-edge engineering, these gun ports represent a pivotal advancement in bolstering the protective capabilities of armored vehicles in high-risk scenarios.

Comprehensive research into existing gun ports worldwide served as a foundation for this endeavor. The aim was to innovate and enhance the security features of gun ports used in armored vehicles.


This design layout encapsulates engineering behind the B7 Armored Gun Ports for APCs. It details the intricate schematics, precise measurements, and structural configurations essential for ensuring resilience and effectiveness against ballistic threats. Each element is thoughtfully positioned and dimensioned to optimize functionality and bolster the security features of armored vehicles, reflecting a seamless blend of innovation and precision engineering.

3D Design on SolidWorks.

Comprehensive Research Phase:
Conducted an exhaustive analysis of existing gun port configurations in APCs on a global scale and synthesized insights and derived inspiration to inform the design approach.

Engineering Design Phase:
Conceptualized a hinge-operated gun port design based on comprehensive research findings.
Utilized advanced software tools, including Linkage Software, to meticulously engineer the intricate hinge movement and translated design concepts into a detailed prototype using SolidWorks to visualize functionality and structural integrity.

Rigorous Testing Phase:
Overseen the prototype manufacturing process and prepared it for stringent live fire testing. Subjected the gun port prototype to controlled live fire trials with 7.62x51mm ball and armored piercing rounds and conducted meticulous post-testing evaluations to ascertain the gun port's locking mechanism's robustness and resilience.


Manufacturing and Deployment Strategy

Management Approval and Production Preparation:
Secured management approval following successful testing outcomes and initiated meticulous planning for large-scale production and deployment phases.

Precision Manufacturing Execution:
Developed laser cutting data and detailed bend drawings to ensure manufacturing precision and created comprehensive manufacturing and assembly drawings as guidance for the production team.

Operational Deployment:
Supervised the precise manufacturing of 40 B7 armored gun ports, adhering strictly to design specifications and deployed the manufactured gun ports into operational environments within APCs, reinforcing security capabilities in real-world scenarios.


The project culminated in the successful creation of 40 operational B7 armored gun ports. These ports, designed and manufactured with precision, passed rigorous live fire testing, validating their resilience against high-caliber rounds. The implementation of these innovative gun ports enhanced the security features of APCs, offering robust protection in real-world operational scenarios.


This project stands as a testament to meticulous design, rigorous testing, and successful implementation. The B7 armored gun ports showcase not only innovation but also reliability and resilience in challenging conditions. The outcome underscores the project's success in enhancing armored vehicle security, marking a significant advancement in gun port technology for APCs.




B7 Armored Gun Port: Enhanced APC Security

B7 Armored Gun Port: Enhanced APC Security
