Profil Sara Sampey

The Roaring 2020s - A Hopeful Holiday Video

The Roaring 2020s - A Hopeful Holiday Video
In 2019, fueled by anticipation for the "roaring 2020s" and inspired to celebrate the previous century of community colleges in the US, I embarked on a creative endeavor that would turn out to be a memorable highlight. The goal was to produce and direct an internal project featuring all employees across two locations, Wisconsin and California, capturing the essence of a New Year's Eve party in 1920. Little did we know that the year 2020 would unfold with unforeseen challenges, making the project a time capsule of joy amid unexpected times. 
From concept to completion, I navigated the constraints of an extremely limited budget and a tight two-month timeline. When I pitched the idea of following party-goers through a vibrant New Year's Eve celebration in 1920, the VP of Marketing loved it, feeling it provided the perfect backdrop for our venture. Engaging in numerous concepting and scripting meetings with my creative team, we aimed to craft a video that would not only serve as an exciting holiday piece across social media but also act as a compelling selling point, showcasing our team's expert capabilities. 
With a quick turnaround needed, I scouted locations, organized crews, and meticulously crafted a script and storyboard in a couple weeks. Once that was done, I started a schedule and call sheets for our "actors" – fellow employees eager to embrace their roles. As producer and director of the shoot, I oversaw two crews simultaneously capturing planned shots and behind-the-scenes moments. A challenge arose in helping non-actors feel comfortable on camera, yet with a bit of encouragement, I managed to create an atmosphere where everyone could relax and enjoy the experience. The result? A lively depiction of party scenes, confetti showers, and even a small balloon drop during the countdown. The final shot featured our CEO delivering an off-the-cuff monologue, tying the celebration together. 
The excitement continued as we traveled to the California office, facing new challenges like a windy rooftop shoot, but the team was eager to be on camera so it all worked out. The camaraderie among the employees translated into a delightful video that showcased the unique character of each location. 
Post-production brought its own set of challenges and triumphs. Guided by the storyboard, our editor swiftly crafted the video, and I ensured a seamless final product through several iterations. I quickly put together an end title sequence that ensured every employee had their moment in the spotlight. 
This project, filled with fun and lighthearted moments, allowed me to showcase my skills in producing and directing on set, a facet often hidden behind the scenes during my on-site travels. Beyond its immediate success, I'm delighted that this endeavor opened doors to further sales and larger productions, proving that joyous creativity can indeed thrive in the face of unexpected challenges. 
The Roaring 2020s - A Hopeful Holiday Video


The Roaring 2020s - A Hopeful Holiday Video
