Brief: ​​​​​​​I was assigned the responsibility of revamping the user profile page, which eventually evolved into the user dashboard.
Problem: Through user research, I identified issues related to low discoverability, inconsistency, and inefficiency. The navigation was confusing and challenging, lacking a centralized location for users to efficiently manage their learning on Schoolhouse.
- Improve site infrastructure to simplify user flows & make key functions accessible
- Personalize learning and tutoring experience
- Increase session attendance rate, user retention, and engagement
Research: Initially, I distributed distinct surveys on the platform to both tutors and learners to grasp their priorities. I collected 145 survey responses and carried out five user interviews.​​​​​​​
Competitive Analysis: I explored competitors' dashboards for inspiration and gleaned the following insights:
- Leveraging modular blocks on the homepage optimally utilizes space for presenting information.
- Incorporating a left menu facilitates seamless navigation through various pieces of information.
- Centralizing quick links and prioritizing them with icons enhances user accessibility.
Ideation: Based on research, "my profile" is underutilized by learners and tutors. To address this, I categorized tutors' resources, including training, feedback, certifications, resources and session requests to enhance the page's relevance.
I spent a lot of time looking for a most efficient way to display information on the dashboard, the first page users see after logging in. To determine the most important information that should be displayed on this page, I collaborated with the team and solicited user research and their input on users’ priorities.
To streamline the engineering efforts and improve the dashboard’s usability, I ensured that the design was consistent for both tutors and learners. While the learners’ dashboard served as the foundation, I added extra features and content to the tutor side to enhance their experience.
This site map shows the structure of the redesigned dashboard. I divided it into four sub pages: Overview, My sessions, My Certifications, and My Tutoring(for tutors only). I reorganized and structured most of the content and designed new features , which are highlighted in the yellow boxes.
User Testing: I developed a click-through prototype on Figma to conduct usability tests to get an in-depth understanding of how users interact with the new interface. I did 40 tests in total over two weeks with existing users (both tutors and learners.) I mapped out a user testing plan, designed several tasks in the prototype, observed users completing the tasks through screen sharing on zoom, and asked for feedback at the end. I received good and surprising reactions and also some areas of improvement which I later implements into the final design. I really enjoyed talking to users, showing them the new design, and seeing their reactions. It motivates me to make thoughtful design decisions that benefit my users.
Next Steps
1. Improve responsiveness on mobile and tablet
2. Design empty states to be more intriguing
3. Implement further customizations
An improved look & responsiveness illustrated for the mobile view
An empty state design of the dashboard
Reflection:​​​​​​​ I’m proud to work on such a large-scale project from the very beginning. Thanks a lot to my team for believing in me and supporting me throughout the process. I learned to collaborate with engineers and hand off final deliverables. I challenged myself to think of a lot of iterations, present them to my manager, and test them with users. I took advantage of our volunteer community to ask for feedback proactively. I’m glad to see the dashboard was launched at the end of my internship. If there was one thing I could’ve done to improve is to onboard existing and new users to the NEW dashboard better. If I have more time, I would continue to gather user feedback and make improvements on v2.
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