Milosz Lodowskis profil

Polish History Museum Contest

My proposition for the Polish History Museum ID Contest.
Everything was finished without the winner of, as more than usually in Polish Public's Contests...
No comments ;)

My idea was to show the History of our nation as permanent change of borders (liquid borders) and H - as a metaphore of history made by the people itself and a place of landing of different people, different cultures which made and transformate their own ideas into Poland itself ;) I do not want to translate everything about all of things I thought about cause the rest is only the immanent part of the... history ;) of Polish Public contests ;) 
Polish History Museum Contest

Projekt lavet for

Polish History Museum Contest

Fast and fury ;) showcase of some part of my contest work for the Polish History Museum Id contest ;) Finished with no results for all of parti LĂŠs mere
