Perfil de Álvaro Fernández Navarro

Halcón Viajes: Physical Stores

Client: Halcón Viajes
Halcón Viajes, part of Ávoris Corporación Empresarial (ACE), is one of the most emblematic brands in the Spanish tourism sector, with more than 50 years of experience and a network of more than 449 points of sale throughout the country. Despite its recognition, the brand has faced challenges in perception, especially related to its outdated image and lack of connection with new generations.
Campaign objective:
Generate a campaign that attracts Halcón Viajes consumers to physical stores, highlighting the advantage of having travel experts versus the complexity of self-managed travel.
Our proposal:
Recapture the thrill of organising a carefree trip, the way it was when we were kids, and highlight how Halcón Viajes can make you enjoy travel like never before.
- Outdoor PR: Los viajeros perdidos ("the lost travelers"). Locating lost travelers in strategic locations around the city that will prompt people to visit Halcón Viajes physicall stores.
- Interaction and personalization: 
Lost travelers ask questions about people's travel dreams. The information gathered is sent to Halcón Viajes branches to personalize future trips.
- Exclusive Benefits: Participants receive a code for benefits and discounts at Halcón Viajes' physical store.
- Mupis: "¡Y sin mover ni un dedo!" ("And without lifting a finger!")
Halcón Viajes: Physical Stores


Halcón Viajes: Physical Stores
