ShiftFocus Coaching and Consulting Logo

This logo for "ShiftFocus Coaching and Consulting" presents a clean and modern design that conveys movement and transformation. The central graphic element consists of an abstract human figure reaching upwards within a circular motif, signifying growth and reaching for success. The figure forms a subtle 'S' shape, reinforcing the company name. The star element above the figure adds a sense of achievement or a guiding principle.
The color palette combines a professional and reassuring blend of blues with a warm, approachable shade of orange. These colors are often associated with trust, reliability, and energy, aligning with the values of coaching and consulting services.
The typography is modern and sans-serif, which provides a contemporary and accessible vibe. The separation of "shift" and "focus" through color contrast emphasizes the dual nature of the company's services. The overall effect is professional yet dynamic, suggesting that "ShiftFocus" is a company that facilitates positive change and guides its clients towards their goals.

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ShiftFocus Coaching and Consulting Logo


ShiftFocus Coaching and Consulting Logo



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