Profil appartenant à SAHER SAHNI

HIGH RISE APARTMENT | a boundary less complex

Illuminate the vision//

 "A physical model unveils the high-rise residential complex, intricately designed, where lighting details breathe life into architectural brilliance"

Establish a boundary-less housing society within the urban expanse of New Delhi, with the aim of promoting heightened human interaction and fostering a sense of community living

"Incorporating glass-clad floors at the building's centre creates the illusion of a floating structure, serving as a distinctive attraction point and anchor within the urban landscape."

"Arranging duplex villas in a stacked configuration, resembling a jigsaw puzzle, wherein every three floors share a central corridor for efficient spatial organisation and sustainability."
"Generated exploded axonometric massing diagrams accompanied by intricately rendered residential layouts to provide a comprehensive representation of the design concept."
HIGH RISE APARTMENT | a boundary less complex
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HIGH RISE APARTMENT | a boundary less complex

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