Marta Lozitska 님의 프로필

Archviz of Residential building / Austria, Linz / 2023

Archviz of Residential Building / Austria, Linz / 2023​​​​​​​
Residential building in Linz, Austria, is a modern low-rise building that epitomizes  architectural simplisity fused with natural materials. 
One of its notable features is the Scandinavian-inspired interior design. The interiors boast a serene and minimalist aesthetic characterized by clean lines and functionality. The predominant color palette revolves around soothing warm beige tones that create a cozy atmosphere throughout the living spaces. These neutral hues are complemented by occasional bright and stylish accents, adding pops of color and vibrancy to the overall design.
The Scandinavian style's emphasis on simplicity and functionality is reflected in the interior layout, which prioritizes open spaces, uncluttered surfaces, and functional furniture pieces. Natural textures like wood flooring and cozy textiles further enhance the inviting atmosphere, while large windows invite the outdoors in, allowing for plenty of natural light to fill the rooms.
The combination of natural materials, Scandinavian design principles, and a warm color scheme with stylish accents makes the Archiviz Residential project in Linz a sophisticated and inviting place to call home, blending modernity with comfort seamlessly.
Archviz of Residential building / Austria, Linz / 2023


Archviz of Residential building / Austria, Linz / 2023
