Профиль Vaughn Stanworth

Garrett Advancing Motion Website - Hero images

Garrett Advancing Motion Website - Hero images
Brief was to redesign all the hero images to reflect Garrett's clean technology strategy and provide maximum contrast with page title and introduction copy.
Previous hero images had poor contrast when foreground white page title and introduction copy was resized on responsive layouts. This was more apparent when viewed on small desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
Garrett Advancing Motion Turbo Replacement hero image with poor contrast copy (Desktop)
Garrett Advancing Motion Turbo Replacement hero image with poor contrast copy (Tablet)
Garrett Advancing Motion Turbo Replacement hero image with poor contrast copy (Tablet)
Redesigned Garrett Advancing Motion Turbo Replacement hero image showing improved contrast between page title and introduction copy.
Redesigned Garrett Advancing Motion Turbo Replacement hero image
Redesigned hero images for Garrett Advancing Motion Technology pages (Medium/small desktop)

The design incorporates the Garrett brand element of the angle shape with the product overlaid on top and a combination of icons to showcase the features/benefits.
Redesigned hero images for Garrett Advancing Motion Technology pages (Medium/small desktop view)
Redesigned hero image for Garrett Advancing Motion Technology pages (Tablet)
Redesigned hero images for Garrett Advancing Motion Technology pages (Mobile)
Garrett Advancing Motion Website - Hero images


Garrett Advancing Motion Website - Hero images
