It is a captivating journey of self-discovery as we witness a young girl's intimate dialogue with the mirror, embarking on a quest to uncover the truth about her identity.
She delves into the depths of her soul, navigating the dichotomy between light and darkness.
As she gazes into the mirror, the girl confronts her own reflection, a reflection that holds both mystery and familiarity.
Her journey begins with an exploration of her shadow side, embracing the darkness that resides within.
Lost in the depths of this metaphorical ocean of darkness, she grapples with the harsh realities of society, unhealed traumas, and the negative self-talk that once plagued her existence.
Yet, amidst the turmoil, she discovers a glimmer of hope.
Somewhere within the abyss, she encounters her true self, a radiant and luminous being.
In a quiet, serene space, the girl sits in introspection, facing a mirror that reflects her inner turmoil. As she gazes into the mirror, her reflection initially mirrors the negative self-talk, a dark and foreboding version of herself, waiting to take over. However, as she takes a deep breath and turns her head, the reflection changes, revealing a more resilient and empowered version of herself, ready to confront the darkness within before it consumes her.
"In the dialogue with my shadow self, I find the strength to heal. Only I can embrace the darkness within and discover the path to my own salvation."
As she continues her journey of healing, a magical shift occurs. The mirror transforms into a portal, shimmering with ethereal energy. From the other dimension, a guiding version of herself extends a helping hand through the mirror. In this frame, only the hands are visible, reaching toward each other, symbolizing the connection between her present self and the empowered version that holds the key to her healing.
"A bridge between dimensions, where my strength meets my salvation."
"In this transformative journey, I bid farewell to the old self, A chapter closed, no longer needed, now laid to rest."
"In the dance of light, I accept the empowerment and resilience that reside within me."
"As I step into the brilliance of my true self, the journey continues,
A life illuminated with the endless power within, waiting to be explored."
 In Frame : Pratistha Burakoti
Concept.Direction.Photography : Shreya Roy
Instagram : @prettymess.png


