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Postmark / cover artwork

A few time ago, in the waning days of 2023, I stumbled across Postmark (aka Mark Hamilton), a Canadian-based music producer whose sonic aesthetic resonates with me in a surprisingly precise way. Sorta ‘old forgotten audiotape’ vibe, street noises, movie samples interspersed throughout the music, lo-fi hop-hop with a meticulous ‘handmade’ attitude, and a timeless, homey feel that many of us need today.
In his own words, Mark uses the beat tape format as a way to explore regional sounds and give impressions of places he's never been.
I was so inspired by his work that I even made an artwork for Postmark’s 2018 beat tape titled ‘A Pseudo-World Apart’, opening up my personal 2024 challenge to show more of my design work here and there.
Source audiotape illustration was generated in DALL-E 3 via Bing
Postmark / cover artwork
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Postmark / cover artwork

A few days ago, in the waning days of 2023, I stumbled across Postmark (aka Mark Hamilton), a Canadian-based music producer whose sonic aesthetic Daha Fazla Bilgi

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