Diana Zaky's profile

Dragon Ball Z Kai

Designed for: FUNimation Entertainment | Original artwork © Toei Animation | Copywriting: Aaron Anderson

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Dragon Ball Z in 2009, Toei Animation produced Dragon Ball Z Kai—an HD-remastered, ultra-condensed director’s cut version of the classic 291-episode series. The original version had aired in the United States on Cartoon Network’s Toonami block from 1998–2003 and served as the gateway into the world of Japanese animation for an entire generation of fans. Dragon Ball Z Kai aired on Nicktoons from 2010–2013 and both introduced the franchise to Nicktoons’ young viewership and drew in an older generation of viewers who had fond memories of watching Dragon Ball Z on TV during their childhoods. I had the honor of working on the North American home video release of this new addition to the Dragon Ball series—which stands as a monumentally influential pillar in the history of Japanese animation to this day.

The limited in-house materials for Dragon Ball Z Kai led our team to decide to commission original artworks from Toei for our home video release. Designer Ian Bailon created the concepts for the commissioned artworks, and I designed packaging around his concepts. The first-press box set release of Dragon Ball Z Kai was printed on foil paper stock with with a spot UV coating to accentuate the unique color of each box and helped to differentiate this special release from other home video releases of Dragon Ball Z.
Dragon Ball Z Kai

Dragon Ball Z Kai

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