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Novigo 劇場與博物館 空間設計

設計概念  Concept

Novigo 劇場與博物館

Novigo這個詞來自於「世界語」(Esperanto),是二戰後猶太人醫生柴門霍夫花費十年所創造的語言,目的是「使學習世界語者能夠與任何國籍的人交流,並幫助世界各地的人民了解他國的文化」。 店內分為兩類: 以故事為主軸的「劇場」、強調生態保育的「博物館」,帶給大小孩和小小孩耳目一新的感受。門市外觀融合兩個主題,塑造出「都市中的叢林小劇場」。

The word "Novigo" comes from Esperanto, the language that the Jewish doctor Zaimenhov spent a decade creating after the second world war to "enable learners of Esperanto to communicate with people of any nationality and to help people around the world understand other cultures". Our products are divided into two categories:the "Theatre" with the main axis of the story, and the "Museum" with the emphasis on ecological conservation. The appearance of the store integrates two themes to create a "small theater in the jungle in the city".​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​一樓平面圖  First Floor Plan
室內使用大量鏡面材質,帶來高挑的觀感, 牆面則用禮盒拼出大色塊,跳脫一貫的咖啡色系。

The ground floor can be a theater or a museum. Merge the Spaces of the two different attributes. The ground floor interior uses a large number of mirror material in smallpox and cabinet elevation, bring the outspread perception of the space, the product coexists cabinet body to show to use gift box to put together wonderful block, in the deep brown department of a piece of antique furniture gift box and mirror to produce the space sense of blurry boundary.

來店貴賓會獲得一張書籤樣式的門票,可用IBM百年古董打卡鐘打上參觀日期與時間, 塑造參觀博物館的意象。

Visiting guests are given a bookmarks-style ticket to mark the date and time on the ground floor using the IBM centennial antique clock. Shaping the imagination of visiting the museum that allows them to punch in the date and time of the visit, just like a real visit.
​​​​​​​二樓平面圖  Second Floor Plan


The second floor is divided into two areas, emphasizing the two themes of "Theatre" and "Museum". 


"Theatre" area coordinates with the design principle of the theater gift box and brings the three-dimensional form of the gift box into the furniture. Use wallpaper to print the space of  Chinese, Western, and Japanese dramas and integrate them into the cabinet door piece, as if the gift box is enlarged and becomes a good show.

爆炸圖 Exploded View


"Museum" is a reference to the cabinet of curiosities (the museum's predecessor). Area develops the gimmick of trompe l 'maul, the proportion of arch height and furniture size can decrease gradually, match the collage direction of wood grain floor again, the proportion of the space and dimension can decrease gradually. The last entrance, decorated with mirrors, continues the space and looks like a long corridor from the past, creating the illusion of infinite extension.​​​​​​​


In the side of the museum, the area created another normal proportion of moving line, metope design idea from Europe church "dis-guised painting" concept, cooperate folder product line, introducing the side of the skylight, make a folder like slides of the present in the day, and also make a space with the different display item let light mapping to space.

Credits -
專案年份 | 2019/11
創意總監|林子翔 Sean Lin
空間設計|王靖驊 Dabby Wang
燈光設計|林子翔 Sean Lin / 王靖驊 Dabby Wang
照明設備|香港商杰特燈飾有限公司台灣分公司 Aurora Lighting

Novigo 劇場與博物館 空間設計

Novigo 劇場與博物館 空間設計
