shaji Kalary's profile

Branding & Ui/Ux Design

High Five Jr - Branding & Ui/Ux Design
Embark on a visual journey into the transformative world of HiFive Jr, an innovative educational platform crafted by a visionary US-returned Indian IT professional couple. With a mission to instill traditional values and life skills in school-going children of Indian origin living abroad, HiFive Jr leverages online technology to connect young minds with expert teachers.

In this design portfolio, witness the fusion of ancient Indian traditions with cutting-edge tech, creating a dynamic space for children to explore traditional art, craft, music, and linguistics. The design captures the essence of HiFive Jr’s founders’ vision: to mould children into competent, wise, and well-rounded individuals, capable of leaving behind an enviable legacy.

The portfolio reflects the platform’s ambition to become a global force by 2025, enrolling a million children in a journey of cultural discovery. Through captivating visuals and thoughtful design elements, this portfolio showcases the commitment to fostering creativity deeply rooted in the richness of Indian culture, guiding children towards heights of personal and cultural enlightenment. Welcome to a season of transformation where design meets tradition, shaping the future of young minds through the lens of HiFive Jr.

Website Design
Branding & Ui/Ux Design


Branding & Ui/Ux Design
