Mostamel App I Social media designs I 2022- 2024

We're excited to share our journey with "Mostaamel Wa Jadeed," reaching audiences in Saudi Arabia and various diverse Arab countries. Over the past 1.5 years, from mid-2022 to 2024, we've been the creative force behind their social media presence.

Our expertise lies in crafting visually stunning designs and dynamic animated videos. Our goal is to elevate brand visibility and engagement across various platforms.

In addition, we've developed a mobile application aimed at facilitating the buying and selling of both used and new products. The app also provides optimal shipping methods, enhancing the overall user experience.
Without delving into specific client services, we've successfully navigated the social media landscape and expanded our services to include a mobile app, creating a lasting impact on the audience.

Explore our journey, witness the transformation, and stay tuned for more exciting collaborations in the future. Thank you for being part of our creative adventure!

Mostamel App I Social media designs I 2022- 2024