Michael McClure's profile

The Story: The Sharp Side of the Spoon

The Story
Back in the 1900s sometime, Bret Helm and insanely great fusion metal guitarist Jennifer Batten had a band called Doc Tahri (they had first played together in the 1970s in a fusion band called PURL in the San Diego area). This album, The Sharp Side of The Spoon, only ever made it to the test pressings stage in the let’s-release-a-record game (one or two of those test disks are actually out there in the wild somewhere…).

In 2021, Bret told me he wanted to officially release this fourth and final Doc project, so I worked up some album cover art that is unlike any album cover art ever created!!! So damned original, I say, especially the inclusion of one of my utensils. But okay, maybe I was a bit influenced by those folks at Hipgnosis on this one. A tiny bit. Maybe. They can’t sue me, of course, because this art (like the title of the album itself) is PARODY! Done. 
The spoon. Shot with my iPhone on a piece of white paper on a table. No photography studio was harmed in the making of this picture.
I was able to 'lift' the Doc Tahri logo to use on Sharp Side from this crap iPhone picture I snapped of the cover of a 12-inch single release of the song Trendite, Bret's very first vinyl release in 1986(!). Long time ago now...
Done. /\/\
The Story: The Sharp Side of the Spoon


The Story: The Sharp Side of the Spoon
