Perfil de Radiana Chardakova

The Smart Botanics Plant Care App

The Smart Botanics Plant Care App: Healthy Plants Made Simple

→ See the live prototype here

The goal of this project was to design a complete mobile application for caring for houseplants, connected to an IoT sensor. The main objective of the app is for users to receive comprehensive real-time information and data about the environment, to better understand the needs of their plants.
Competitive Analysis

I analyzed 3 existing plant care apps - Flower Plant Care, Planta, and Florish. Flower Plant Care connects with an IoT sensor while Planta and Florish use preset care schedules. Key features were profiles, reminders, photo galleries, favorites, and plant identification. This helped inform key features for Smart Botanics.
User Personas

The app structure focused on simplicity for the user with five main sections accessible through a bottom navigation bar:

- Home: Current tasks viewable by type, location, urgency
- My Plants: User's plants sortable by location, includes gallery
- Find Plants: Database to search, add new plants
- Profile: Account management, settings, help
- Add plant: Easy and intuitive function of adding a new plant
User Flows

Style Guide

Final Designs

The Smart Botanics Plant Care App


The Smart Botanics Plant Care App
