''Reclamation of Resilience''

Concept Note:

"Reclamation of Resilience" is a conceptual photograph that embodies this duality, capturing the juxtaposition of degradation and restoration within a single frame. The backdrop of the image presents a stark contrast—a dumping yard, a repository of discarded materials, symbolizing the aftermath of damage and neglect. Here, the visual narrative unveils the harsh reality of environmental decay, illustrating the consequences of our societal consumption and disposal habits. The discarded elements underscore the narrative of deterioration and loss. 
Contrasted against this bleak backdrop stands a model, adorned in an unconventional attire—a garment fashioned from crepe bandages. This choice of clothing embodies the essence of healing, resilience, and the transformative power of recovery. The bandages, traditionally associated with mending wounds and offering support, serve as a metaphor for the human capacity to heal and rebuild amidst adversity.
Adding an ethereal touch to the composition, delicate baby breath flowers and small plants delicately rest upon the model's face and body. These blooms, symbolic of purity, innocence, and the fragility of life, echo the essence of renewal and regeneration. Their presence amidst the debris signifies the enduring beauty and potential for rejuvenation even in the midst of desolation.
Juxtaposed Photography


Juxtaposed Photography
