Monan Qian 的個人檔案

Secret Garden - Interactive Installation

A Virtual Garden
individual design
# interaction design # installation # processing 
# emphasizing the interaction between humans and nature 
This project is an interactive design between flowers and humans. Touching the different warm and cold flowers triggers a change in the background. I divided the flowers into warm and cold according to my understanding, My design reflects that there is a quiet garden in everyone's heart, and the flower language represents the different emotions that people have. The meaning humans give to the flower language is one of the most important points in this project, emphasizing the interaction between humans and nature, and the changes and differences in colors correspond to the differences in people's hearts, focusing more on human self-expression.
Legend has it that countries and peoples have given humanity different symbolic meanings, based on the characteristics, habits, and legendary allusions of their native flowers. Thus, the formation of flower languages is often closely related to seasons, people, religion, aesthetics, colors, and allusions. People have discovered the beauty of flowers through different perspectives, and it is well known that flowers have different flower languages, but ultimately, flower languages are only formed by the needs of the human spirit.
With the presence of people, flowers have meaning. God says in the final analysis is human essence.
Flower poems
"Flower In The Crannied Wall, Flower in the crannied wall, I pluck you out of the crannies I hold you here, root and all, in my hand Little flower---but if could understand, What you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man are."
"Not to sorrow sigh disturb the rose breath, In this world there is always a flower is for us to open, The wasteland to me you are the last rose was born, As the bright summer flowers, depth s-curve of fire, Under the load of heartbeat and breathing encumbrance in itself, Such as the wind too, Such as flower into the sea."
The legendary twelve months of different personality traits ​​​​​​​
January, cold personality for good intentions. 
February, the apricot flower, for honesty and frankness. 
March, peach blossom, beautiful. 
Mid-April, sexuality and integrity. 
May, pomegranate flower, strong feelings. 
June, good temperament, brash and unrestrained.
July, Rose, a person with passionate enthusiasm. 
August, laurel, the eyes present a bright feeling. 
October, Peony, this flower is competitive. 
November is smart and practical, able to improvise. 
December, Plum, tenacity and perseverance.
Screen image (touch): The flower language itself is given to the flower. Before a person gives a flower language, the flower is black and white, while after a person gives a flower a language, the colors are cold and warm, and the background pattern changes. The projections of the different types of flowers, which are not regularly lined up at the bottom as the temperature changes, touch a flower on the screen with your hand, and the color of the flower, the color of the background and the pattern start to change. The color slowly disappears and it takes another press to reappear.
The six colors are divided into two groups, press a flower to indicate the start.
Structure & interaction 
Logic Diagram

·Touch a flower with a warm floral message 
·The background is a warm element and the pattern changes in size
·Continue touching the warm flower
·The screen background becomes all warm colors      
·After a while the flowers revert to their original state
·The screen background is randomly distributed between warm and cold
·Flowing screen background disappears.  
Start Cold
·Touch a flower with a cool-coloured floral motif  
·Cool elements appear in the background and the pattern changes size.
·Continue touching the cool-coloured flower   
·The screen background is all in cool colors    
·After a while, the flower returns to its original state   
·The background of the screen is randomly distributed between warm and ·Cold and the flower starts to sway randomly
`The screen background disappears.
In this project, I struggled with the choice of flower language and the form the flowers wanted to express. I also designed many versions of the background design and finally chose a photo of real flowers. During the final presentation, the set was placed and photographed several times, and only four flowers were chosen to be touched because the computer could not handle too many circuits.
Secret Garden - Interactive Installation


Secret Garden - Interactive Installation
