Jun Hirao さんのプロファイル

2023 dPi Art Awards: Remaining Memories

Remaining Memories (Chinese: 餘憶)
The remaining memories are like bags of fish stacked on top of each other. Many important memories have faded, but some trivial things still shine.

This is a work that participated in the 2023 dPi Art Awards and is shortlisted.
The theme of this year is "Meng Po soup". Meng Po is the goddess of oblivion in Chinese mythology. The soup she served can remove the memory.

The requirement for the work is to present a scene that we may see before we die and forget everything.
Inspiration & Creative Process

The word remaining and fish have the same pronunciation in Mandarin. So I chose fish to represent remaining memories. The idea of ​​fish in plastic bags came from a photo on the National Geographic website. As a result, these two inspired combinations of fish-filled plastic bags present stacked memories.

For the selection of fish, the ancient fish species represent the gradually forgotten but significant memories. On the contrary, the little things that haven’t been forgotten are represented by goldfish.
Mock-up in poster frame
2023 dPi Art Awards: Remaining Memories
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2023 dPi Art Awards: Remaining Memories

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